In a week & a half everything has changed,
One thing of beauty has been seeing all the free online art courses & stay at home art clubs
What a pleasure to join in! i still have some catch up to do, but a few I've been following are
Painting flowers with Helen Dealtry,
Hellebores, cherry blossom, tulips, daffodil, primrose, & anemone!
Stay ay Home Art Club with Amy Rosegeden
Botanical, Shell, Moth & Bird!
Jenna Rainey has also been doing live painting lessons!
Even Free Embroidery Classes with Karen Ruane!
I love & appreciate it all so much! The songs coming out of Italy as people gather across the evening sky & fill their balconies with camaraderie, it truly has been so many looking to produce the silver lining
So many essential care workers are giving so much.. .
& all the while, we, Struggling Along.. .
Sending big hugs wherever you are today <3