{of memories}
& 8 things you may not know about me:
i ~ i once sang at the Sydney Opera House
ii ~ i have a great great great {etc} grandmother called Iris Heaven {Love that!}
iii ~ on our English side ~ our great great great {etc} Grandfather was the Pastor for & lived onsite at The Glass Palace {by Prince Albert & Queen Victoria!}
iv ~ &, we are also descended from Irish Royalty, eep!
v ~ i would really love a sugar glider, moluccan cockatoo/major mitchell, & a sheltie or a samoyed {although my sister wants a saluki, fennec fox & a hedgehog, & my brother wants a cockatiel so.. .*}
vi ~ i am an organic perfumer {among other things} living in{ish} New York}
vii ~ i really want a Green House & an Orchard!
viii ~ i love Roses!!!
<3 big hearts for you! <3
*also in the running: a chameleon, chinchilla, leonburger, newfoundland, portugese water dog, borzoi, irish wolfhound, kuvasz, great pyranese or an old English sheepdog!}