Monday, September 28, 2015

~ pages

pages brushed by starlight,
 days dusted with sage ~

~ trimming moments

with the qualities of an heirloom

~ thoughtful

{luminous things}

~ sparkling endeavours

{& dear, polite companions}

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

~ a {few} week's worth,

it is something rather remarkable how a talent is born,
& how {really struggling! to make} one cake for a dear one can have all the seeds of all the future cakes made within it

thankful for small miracles!
{& for my sisters help!!!}

~ Saturday,

tomato vines at Fleishing's 
& the warm industrial glow that is Le Pain Quotidian 

soft hugs! 

~ an activity for my Sister,

My Sister & i were invited to do a journal activity for her Laurel's class.. .
it was pretty Lovely in deed!!!

favorite quotes/moments from the night ~
~ "that is so aesthetically pleasing!"
~ "they're like da Vinci's notebooks!"
~ "I have a marble collection" 
"i have a collection of tears {aaaaw!!!!}" 
"i don't have any collections!" 
"now you all have a collection of journals! {one leather & one of the altered book variety, yay!}"
~ "when i write my Children's Books will you illustrate them for me?" {directed at my sister ~ when did 17 year olds become so responsible!}

a Lovely night,
awhirl & awhir with Chatter & Treasured Tenderness! 

~ making cakes again,

never having any culinary/baking experience is proving a little tricky.. .
why does the fondant crack,
why does the spongecake drop {the stack of 8 layers may have something to do with it!}
why, from all that spongecake, does the cake still seem so small.. .
still so much to learn!

'would be nice to have a baker's help!
slowly onward .. .