Sunday, May 31, 2015

~ upwards,

& onwards!

{my sister's tiny cogs,
&  probs not the best shoes for delivering!
:)    hugs!*}

~ heights/depths,

to fly, 
to Be!

& a quote {or two :)
Any fish can swim near the surfacebut it takes a great whale to go downstairs five miles or more —HERMAN MELVILLE 

"Ye cannot live for yourselves; a thousand fibres connect you with your fellow-men, and along those fibres, as along sympathetic threads, run your actions as causes, and return to you as effects." Henry Melvill

New York!

~ Streets of gold,

Monday, May 25, 2015


a dear little garden my sister & i found this week on one of our adventures,
{& a birthday for a brother} <3