Friday, February 14, 2014

~ Happy Valentine's

"If your day is feeling blue,
Don't be sad, I'm with you

If you need to see the sun,
It will come, it will come

If your day has seen the rain,
Plants will grow, how they will grow!"

a song we made up today :) lots of valentine filled loveliness {& hugs, today}

Saturday, February 1, 2014

~ a day trek {in the heart of it}

new york !

fighting the cold chill long enough to get a few photos, 
an amazing building, chasing deer up the street {on foot, then we realized they don't actually run if you're in a vehicle, wierd :), chunks of ice floating down the Hudson, horse & carts clip-clopping along the bustling streets, {& stopping to see said horse&carts}, & eventide! 

{heart gems, today}
while all the while,, shining, {billowing!} thoughts for you!